Welcome to NameDeal - Domain Names from just $17.99
Our domain names start from just $17.99 but NameDeal clients can also get a FREE DOMAIN* with our Extreme hosting plan. That domain is free for the entire time you are hosting with us.
Our unlimited hosting plans start at just $3 per month, and are packed with features most other hosting companies charge you so much more for. Just compare our prices to see for yourself, probably the best value hosting on the planet!
At NameDeal you can have your new domain name up and running in minutes and at prices that are at least 30% lower than most others charge! Why Pay More?
* Select your free domain from: .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .us. Subject to domain availability.
Domain Pricing (Click to view/hide list of prices for domains)
What Happens Next
- You choose your domain name
- Search to check its availability
- We help you through the registration process
- Click here to start domain name search
- Or... you choose your hosting plan
- We process your FREE domain name for you
- Click here to select hosting plan
Reasons to choose NameDeal
- Over 110,000 users Worldwide
- Fast and efficient domain name registration
- Unrivalled 24x7 support team
- We understand what you're looking for
- The best value for money
- No additional ICANN fee to pay
- No crazy add on prices
- .com Domain Name Registered in YOUR name
- FREE domain name with our Extreme hosting plan
Nobody gives you more for less, NameDeal for the Best Deal!
- FREE Total DNS Control
- FREE Domain Forwarding
- FREE Contact Management
- FREE 24x7 Live Support
- FREE Domain with Hosting
- FREE Transfer Away
- FREE ICANN Annual Fee

Protect Your Identity! - Just $5.99 per Year
What can privacy protection do for you?
Did you know that without privacy protection enabled on your domain, anyone, anywhere, can look up your name, address, telephone number and email on the internet?
Our domain privacy protection helps keep your personal information private and away from the kind of people who daily scan the internet in search of their next victim.
You don't want to be their next victim, do you?
Your domain still belongs to you, 100% under your control, but we mask your information with our details.
Our domain whois privacy is compliant with all ICANN Whois Accuracy Guidelines
- Protect against Identity Theft
- Stop unwanted visitors
- Stop Domain Theft
- Protect yourself against SPAM
- Stop Unwanted Telephone Solicitation
- What a small price to pay for total privacy (Others are charging 4-5 times more!)
Standard Registration
Your Name!
Your House! Your Street!
Your City, Your State 12345
Your Country
Email: you@your-email.com!
Telephone: Your phone number!
Registered through: NameDeal.com
Domain Name: YourDomain.com
Created on: 10-APR-04
Expires on: 10-APR-11
Last Updated on: 10-APR-10
Domain servers:
Private Registration
Domain Privacy Protection
Dept 4576, Our Office, Our Street
Our City, Our State, 11101
Email: privacy.yourdomain@NameDeal.com
Telephone: +1.512.385.4838
Registered through: NameDeal.com
Domain Name: YourDomain.com
Created on: 10-APR-04
Expires on: 10-APR-11
Last Updated on: 10-APR-10
Domain servers:
* Private registration may be restricted for some domains.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the domain name system?
Every computer connected to the internet is identified by a unique IP address (such as It quickly became apparent that these numbers weren't too meaningful and as the net grew in popularity it became important to have more memorable ways of identifying the servers. Hence the domain name - unique identifiers that point to specific IP addresses.
- What does it mean to "register" a domain name?
When you register a domain name, you are inserting your details in a 'Registrant' entry in the registry of domain names and their corresponding computers on the Internet, the registration is a 'right to use' the domain name for a given period. This 'right to use' can be transferred or sold to another person, but can be lost if not paid (renewed) every year.
- What domain name should I register?
Try to go for something memorable and individual. Ideally, register your domain name in as many suffixes as possible to stop competitors registering variations of your name.
- Can I register a 2-letter domain name?
Two letter .com .net and .org domains were allowed with the Verisign registry. However, upon the transition of the management of .org to PIR (Public Interest Registry) the ICANN agreement placed all two letters domains in a reserved status. Under this agreement no two letter domain names can be registered. All two letter domain names that are current and have not been deleted or expired will continue to operate.
Feature Packed!
Easy to use Control Panel, Virus Scanner, SPAM filter, 50 Free Website Templates, New! Easy to use Online Site Builder, Fantastico! Script Installer, Shopping Cart, WebMail, Unlimited FTP, Sub Domains, Daily Backups, Awstats Statistics, PHP, CGI, MySQL and much more.
Free Website Builder

Our easy to use online site-builder lets you create your very own Web site using just a web browser and a little spare time.
You will be able to select from over 600 ready-made site templates, you can add your logo, company or business name, customize colors, text and pictures. More Details
It's FREE with all our hosting plans!
Free Script Installer

Shopping Carts & Shops, Blogs, Forums, Galleries, Classifieds, Auctions, 50 powerful scripts all installed in a few clicks by the Fantastico Installer. More Details
Money Back Guarantee
We are confident that you'll be satisfied with our product and service, but for your complete peace of mind we do offer an anytime money-back guarantee. More Details

"I could not believe how little it cost to get my web site online, and now we are just so busy! I tell all my friends about you."

More Information:
Hosting Plan ComparisonFree Domain Name
Data Center & Network
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